Intensive Theoretical and Practical Course Ozone Therapy – Concentrates Growth Factors in Locomotive System
Organized by AEPROMO (Spanish Association of Medical Professionals in Ozone Therapy) Language: Spanish Maximum occupancy: 30 persons May Friday 6, Saturday 7, 2016 Venue: Garcilaso clinic. Calle Garcilaso 7 (Luchana street corner 23), [...]
The Fifth Annual Congress of the American Academy of Ozone Therapy (AAO)
The Fifth Annual Congress of the American Academy of Ozone Therapy (AAO) will be on February 18-20, 2016 in Dallas. This is the only medical forum in the United States focusing on the [...]
International Seminar on Complementary Cancer Treatment
What did the participants say in writing about the course? Excellent organization. My level of expectation was reached. Schedules without problems. Intense but thanks to that no [...]
Theoretical and Practical Workshop in oxygen-ozone therapy and growth factors
March 28th, 29th, 30th, 2016 The next March 28 at the University Americas, Pereira, Colombia, will begin the theoretical and practical workshop on Oxygen-Ozone therapy and growth factors with distinguished professors of international renown. The [...]
This content is also available in: Spanish
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