Ozone therapy: Medical act
The content of this website is informative and is intended for health professionals. Ozone therapy is a medical procedure and as such should be done exclusively by a licensed physician, dentist, veterinary, and podiatrist duly trained and experienced and the areas of their competencies.
Ozone therapy: Complementary therapy, not alternative
“Ozone Therapy is a complementary therapy, not an alternative therapy. Ozone therapy is an adjunctive therapy and should be performed along with and not instead of the allopathic medicine. Understanding the difference between complementary and alternative is critical for the practitioner of ozone therapy. The application of ozone therapy complements other allopathic treatments such pharmaceutical interventions and surgical procedures and does not replace them as an alternative.”
“Ozone therapy has to be practiced as a complementary, adjunctive or palliative treatment for various diseases. Ozone therapy is part of the techniques of new technologies that complement
and facilitate conventional treatments. It is another tool in the medical arsenal of the physician.”
Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy, Isco3, 3rd ed., 2020, item1. P. 15
Web Information: Does not replace personalized medical evaluation
The information provided on this website is purely informative and it has been created to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/visitor to this website and his doctor. The information provided does not replace a personalized medical evaluation.
Find an ozone therapist
To search for professionals who practice ozone therapy please visit:
Tab: Find a Professional
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